Engineering Construction and Maintenance Services
Projexcel Engineering and Solution Services is a professional company involved in engineering construction and maintenance services plant.
Projexcel Engineering and Solution Services is a professional company involved in engineering construction and maintenance services of Plant.
Engineering Construction and Maintenance Services Includes
Construction Works
- Civil and Mechanical Construction including Residential, Commercial building, Plant construction and HVAS systems installation
Installation & Commissioning Works
- Carriage & Placement of Generator Sets to the Sites.
- Civil Work involved such as Foundation Pad.
- Fabrication work of Sound Attenuated and weather proof canopies.
- Digging of Earth pits and other allied jobs.
- Preparing of Electrical Panels and their installation.
- Lying & Termination of all sorts of cables.
- HVAC system Installations.
Mechanical & Fabrication Works
- Fabrication of canopies for diesel and gas generators.
- Fabrication and construction of Vessels, spools and structure etc.
- Fabrication and Mechanical construction work for different plant (Power Plant, Fertilizers etc.)